Leaf Books in Yale Collections

Leaf books are an unrealized resource that many university and college libraries already have in their collections, but many times researchers may not be aware of them because their titles don’t indicate that they have leaves from manuscripts and printed books that have been slipped into the book.  Otto Ege’s portfolios had very little text and were not bound; most of these books are primarily text (often a secondary source analysis of the book from which the leaf is taken).  This table is taken from John P. Chalmers chapter in Christopher de Hamel’s Disbound and Dispersed: The Leaf Book Considered (Chicago: Caxton Club, 2005).  The titles with links are found in Yale Library collections; we’ve included the entire table to assist other colleges and universities in locating their copies of these books.  This chart was initially composed by Emma Fallone as a student research assistant to Ray Clemens at the Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library in 2014.

Table of Yale Leaf Books

Leaf Books in Yale Libraries
Chalmers Checklist of Leaf Books


Titles without links are not at Yale.

Fragments/leaves contained in book Copy
0.5 An introduction to the knowledge of rare and valuable editions of the Greek and Latin classics; : including the Scriptores de re rustica, Greek romances, and lexicons and grammars: to which is added a complete index analyticus: the whole preceded by an account of polyglot Bibles, and the best editions of the Greek Septuagint and Testament. / By Thomas Frognall Dibdin Greek Testaments; the Greek fathers and the Latin fath proof leaf for William Pickering’s Diamond Classics edition of the Greek New Testament, 1828, pasted to page 166 in volume 1  
1 Specimens of some of the languages and dialects, in which the distribution, printing, or translation of the Scriptures, in whole or in part, has been promoted by the British and Foreign Bible Society, either directly or indirectly.ciety, either directly or indirectly. leaves: title leaf, plus 122 leaves with specimens mounted on them. No limitation. Only one copy - at the Young Research Library, UCLA
2 Specimens of some of the languages and dialects, in which the distribution, printing, or translation of the Scriptures, in whole or in part, has been promoted by the British and Foreign Bible Society, either directly or indirectly.ciety, either directly or indirectly. leaves: title leaf, plus 137 leaves with specimens mounted on them, followed by 22 blank leaves. 5 known
3 A description of the Great Bible, 1539, and the six editions of Cranmer’s Bible, 1540 and 1541, printed by Grafton and Whitchurch: also of the editions … printed in the years 1611, 1613, 1617, 1634, 1640, 1634, 1640. 14 original leaves inserted with printed identification slips pasted to them.  
4 Sveriges aldre liturgiska literatur Bibliografi af G. E. Klemming 34 original leaves from Swedish liturgical books dating from 1487 to 1525 4 copies, and an octavo edition
5 Monumenta Germaniae et Italiae typographica. Deutsche und italienische inkunabeln in getreuen nachbildungen hrsg. von der Direktion der Reichsdruckerei … Begründet von K. Burger [gestorben], fortgeführt von Ernst Voulliémeestorben], fortgeführt von Ernst Voulliéme The seven original leaves carry Burger’s captions printed directly on the leaf. They are described on the wrappers of the fifth, sixth, and seventh fascicules 200
6 The Early Oxford press, with a bibliography of printing and publishing at Oxford ‘1468’ - 1640, with notes, appendexes and illustrations, by Falconer Madan, M.A., Fellow of Brasenose College, Oxforde, Oxford Each of the first 70 copies contained three specimens of actual pages from Oxford bookd; after no. 700, at least one actual page was included  
7 First report of a book-collector; comprising a brief answer to the frequent question “Why first editions?” … and five egotistical chapters of anecdote and advice addressed to the beginner in book-collecting; followed by an account of book-worms. book-collecting; followed by an account of book-worms. Five inserted leaves  
8 Type Facsimile Sciety (London) “Publications of the Society for the years 1900-1909” Three original leaves accompanied the fifth (1904) issue, and one leaf accompanied the seventh (1906) issue.  
9 A plain and literal translation of the Arabian nights’ entertainments, now entituled The book of the thousand nights and a night; Supplemental nights to The book of the thousand nights and a night; with notes anthropological and explanatory … by Richard F. Burton.a night; with notes anthropological and explanatory … by Richard F. Burton. A manuscript leaf, without an esay or description, was inserted into the first volume  
10 The complete works of Ralph Waldo Emerson : with a biographical introduction and notes by Edward Waldo Emerson and a general index … A leaf of Emerson’s manuscript, without an essay or description, was inserted into the first volume  
11 William Caxton, by E. Gordon Duff. [With an original leaf from the first edition of the Canterbury Tales printed by Caxton in 1478]   255 copies
12 The writings of Henry David Thoreau. A fragment of manuscript of mounted and bound in at front of vol. 1  
13 The complete works of O. Henry. A sheet of original O. Hanry manuscript (without an essay or description of leaf) is included in volume 1 12 vols
14 Julia Ward Howe, 1819-1910, by Laura E. Richards and Maud Howe Elliot, assisted by Florence Howe Hall; with portraits and other illustrations One leaf of Mrs. Howe’s manuscript mounted before frontispiece of vol. 1 208 copies
15 Beskrivande och illustrerad förteckning över de upplagor av Sveriges landskaplslagr, labdslagar och stadslagar som av trycket blivit utgivna intill dess Sveriges rikes lag blev gillad och antagen på Riksdagen år 1734. Bibliografi av Johannes Rudbeck. 30 special copies, each containing 14 original leaves from early law books dating from 1607 to 1688 30 copies
16 The writings of John Muir. A manuscript leaf, without an essay or description, is tipped into vol. 1 750 copies
17 The Daniel Press. Memorials of C H O Daniel with a bibliography of the press, 1845-1919 The inserted leaves are folded quarto sheets, tipped on throw-out guards at the end of the volume 300 copies
18 A noble fragment, being a leaf of the Gutenberg Bible, 1450-1455 : with a bibliographical essay / by A. Edward Newton.    
19 Illuminated manuscript on vellum. A leaf rom th Officium Beatae Mariae Virginis, 15th century. Descriptive note by Vincent Starrett    
20 The writings of Mark Twain vol. 1 having a page of original manuscript in Twain’s own hand tipped in 37 vols
21 Original leaves from famous books, eight centuries 1240 AD - 1923 AD 25 leaves, each accompanied by a descriptive text, in a portfolio 110 copies
22 Aldus Pius Manutius. With an essay by Theodore L. De Vinne together with a leaf from the Aldine Hypnerotomachia Poliphili, printed at Venice in 1499. 250 copies, 192 of which were issued with an original leaf, a few with more than one leaf. The leaf is tipped at the gutter after page 6, a section title 250 copies
23 Printed pages from English literature, a portfolio of original leaves taken from rare and notable printed books. One leaf and 20 folders containing manuscript and printed leaves dating from the 13th century to 1909 200 copies
24 (same as above)    
25 Specimens of woodcuts and engravings. A portfolio of original leaves taken from rare and notable illustrated books. … One leaf and 15 folders of woodcuts and copper engravings dating from 1485 to 1697 120 copies
26 Nicholas Jameson, printer of Venice, his famous type designs and some comments upon the printing types of earlier printers by Henry Lewis Bullen 207 copies, each containing a leaf of Plutarch, printed by Nicolas Jenson at Venice in 1478 207 copies
27 Poems, chiefly in the Scottish dialect With a genuine leaf of the original edition of 1796, without an essay or description, in a separate folder  
28 Der deutsche wiegendruck in original-typenbeispielen : 115 inkunabelproben / beschrieben von Konrad Haebler. 111 pp and 115 mounted plates in two portfolios 103 copies
29 German incunabula : 110 original-leaves / described by Konrad Haebler, tr. from the German by André Barbey. 68 pp and 110 mounted leaves, in two portfolios 100 copies in English, 100 in German
30 Italian incunabula : 110 original-leaves / described by Konrad Haebler, tr. from the German by André Barbey. White paper wrappers, in two portfolios, each leaf mounted on a mat 100 copies in English
31 Der Italienische Wiegendruck in Original-Typenbeispielen : 120 Inkunabelproben / beschrieben von Konrad Haebler. 71 pp and 110 mounted plated, in two portfolios No limitation
32 Oriental collection. A portfolio of leaves taken from rare and notable books and manuscripts Three leaves and 24 folders with specimens, boxed. 45 copies
33 Specimens of oriental manuscripts and printing. A portfolio of original leaves taken from rare oriental books and manuscripts. Fifteen folders of leaves dating from the 15th to the 19th centuries. One leaf of text and 15 folders with descriptive text on their covers and one or more original leaves inserted within 120 copies
34 Johann Schobser ein Munchener Inkunable-Drucker. With a leaf from Wann, Quadragesimale, printed by Schobser in Munich ca. 1500   no limitation
35 Der Westeuropäische Wiegendruck in Original-Typenbeispielen : 60 Inkunabelproben Niederlandischer, Franzosischer, Iberischer und Englisch er Pressen / beschrieben von Konrad Haebler. 60 mounted leaves, in a portfolio 103 copies
36 West-European incunabula : 50 original leaves from the presses of the Netherlands, France, Iberia, and Great Britain / described by Konrad Haebler, tr. from the German by André Barbey. 58 pp and 60 leaves, in a portfolio 100 copies
37 Complete works A manuscript leaf from McTeague, without an essay or description, is bound into the first volume 245 copies
38 Sanctuary, Sunshine house sonnets, by Bliss Carman; illustrations by Whitman Bailey. This copy contains a page of original manuscript, his last photograph, his signature 20 numbered copies
39 Seventy-five years in California : a history of events and life in California : personal, political and military; under the Mexican regime; during the quasi-military government of the territory by the United States… the United States, and after the admission of the state to the union : being a compilation by a witness of the events described; a reissue and enlarged illustrated edition of “Sixty years in California”, to which much new matter by its author has been added which he contemplated publishing under the present title at the time of his death / edited and with an historical forward and index by Douglas S. Watson, by William Heath Davis. 150 contain original pages from early California publications 2,250 copies
40 A group of specimen pages from books printed by Grabhorn Press. Assembled for members of the Zamorano Club, October, 1929 24 pp and 15 mounted specimen leaves About 30 copies
41 Cobden-Sanderson and the Doves Press; the history of the press and the story of its types, told by Alfred W. Pollard; the character of the man set forth by his faithful scribe, Edward Johnston…n; with The ideal book; or, Book beutiful, by Thomas James Cobden-Sanderson; and a list of the Doves Press printing. Inserted in each copy is a leaf of Doves Press printing, 27 of which are vellum 39 copies
42 Buchholzschnitt Im 15. Jahrhundert in Original-Beispielen : 55 Inkunabelproben deutscher, Schweizer, niederländischer, tschechischer und italienischer Pressen / beschrieben von W.L. Schreiberiber. 87 pp and 55 mounted leaves in folders, all enclosed in a linen-covered box 50 copies

Woodcuts from books of the 15th century shown in original specimens : 55 leaves detached from books printed in Germany, Switzerland, Bohemia, the Netherlands, and Italy / with an introduction by W.L. Schreiber ; translated from the German by André Barbey.

86 pp and 55 mounted leaves, in a portfolio 50 copies
44 The writings of Mark Twain Memorial edition of the writings of Mark Twain, limmited to 90 sets, each having inserted a page of the original manuscript in the author’s own hand - by arrangement with the estate of Samuel L. Clemens 90 sets
45 The First American Bible : a leaf from a copy of the Bible translated into the Indian language by John Eliot and printed at Cambridge in New England in the year 1663 : with an account of the translator and his labors and of the two printers who produced the book / by George Parker Winship.   157 copies
46 The Merrymount press of Boston; an account of the work of Daniel Berkeley Updike, by George Parker Winship … with a list of one hundred and fifty Merrymount press books Each with four original leaves from Merrymount Press books 350 copies
47 One precious leaf from the first edition [of] Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman. With Walt Whitman’s monuments: A letter written in Camden on the twenty-seventh anniversary of His death, by Guido Bruno   47 copies
48 The Nuremberg chronicle : or, The book of chronicles from the beginning of the world, the most famous of German picture books of the fifteenth century, printed in the free city of Nuremberg in fourteen hundred & ninety-three ; its bakcground, its provenance, its creators, its patrons, its illustrations, and its literary plan ; a monograph / by Henry Lewis Bullen ; with a leaf from the first Latin edition. 300 copies, 280 of which include one leaf, 18 include two leaves, one includes three leaves, and one includes four leaves 300 copies
49 An original leaf from the Bible of the revolution, and an essay concerning it, by Robert R. Dearden, jr. and Douglas S. Watson. 50 (the Signers’ edition) and 15 (editorial copies) copies contain original leaves of both Old and New Testaments and an original leaf from The Confession of Faith printed and sold by Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia, 1745 65 copies
50 Fifteen original oriental manuscript leaves of six centuries. Twelev of the Middle East, two of Russia and one of Tibet from the collection of and with notes prepared by Otto F. Ege…he Cleveland Institute of Art One leaf and 15 original leaves window-mounted in folders, enclosed in a portfolio. 40 copies
51 Fifty original leaves from medieval manuscripts, western Europe, XI-XVI century One leaf of text and 50 folders with mounted original leaves, in a portfolio 40 copies
52 To greet you this holiday season from Norman Alexander Hall… One leaf in a window mount with letterpress greeting printed on the mat, enclosed in a white paper folder  
53 A delightful pocket book. Text by Herbert Reichner. With a leaf from Leonhert Fuchs’s Plantarum effigies No limitation
54 The miracle of the anchor, a page from California’s past as a Christmas greeting from Mai, Tom and Douglas Watson With a leaf from Francisco Palou’s Relacion Historica 43 copies
55 Labels; a Mediterranean journal [by] Evelyn Waugh. With a piece of the original manuscript inserted, without an essay or description 110 copies
56 A leaf from the Biblia Latina printed by Adolph Rusch With a leaf inserted “About 70 copies”
57 Liber chronicarum : a folio of the Nuremberg chronicle restored from an incomplete copy from the library of Lambton Castle, England : with a bibliographical note / by Ernest Johnson. 8 pp in a folder No limitation
58 Cologne Chronicle. Double leaf from the Cologne Chronicle printed in 1499, together with a facsimile of three pages from the same book 4 pp in a folder, with an envelope No limitation
59 An original Caxton leaf : with an essay on Caxton / by Holbrook Of this essay on Caxton one hundred copies have been printed … Sixty-eight copies numbered 1 to 68, are for sale with an original leaf from the Chronicles of England printed by William Caxton at Westminster in 1480 …. Signed by Holbrook Jackson. 100 copies
60 A leaf from the holy bible printed in the year 1640 4-p folder “Not seen.”  
61 A note by William Morris on his aims in founding the Kelmscott press : together with A short history and description of the press by S.C. Cockerell : reprinted for Philobiblion to celebrate the centenary of the birth of William Morris…centenary of the birth of William Morris, 1834 With an original leaf from a Kelmscott Press book. No limitation
62 A genuine Caxton leaf from Higden’s “Polycronicon,” Westminster 1482   No limitation
63 Charles F. Heartman presents John Petter Zenger, and his fight for the freedom of the American press, together with a genuine specimen of the New York weekly journal printed by John Peter Zenger   99 copies
64 Recollections of the Grabhorn Press, by Gregg Anderson. Two original leaves from “The plantain-moretus museum” of 1929 and four original leaves from “A lytell gests of robyn hode and his meiny” of 1932. 70 copies
65 A descriptive bibliography of the books printed at the Ashendene press, MDCCCXCV-MCMXXXV. 172 pp and ten collotype plates, and eight leaves of specimen pages, of which that from Daphnis et Chloe is original. 390 copies
66 An original leaf from the whole book of psalms, collected into english meeter, known as the psalter of the pilgrim fathers. With an historical note concerning it by the Rev. Edwin A. R. Rumball-Petre 312 copies, each with an original leaf from ancient psalters printed in London between 1594 and 1606 312 copies
67 Original leaves from the first four folios of the plays of William Shakespeare, 1623, 1632, 1663, 1685 73 copies, of which 65 are printed on Whatman paper, and eight on vellum 73 copies
68 Original leaves from famous Bibles, nine centuries, 1121-1935 AD Otto F Ege, compiler and editor 37 Bible leaves mounted on mats with descriptive labels, boxed 200 copies
69 Extra posten 1792-1795; studier i 1790-talets svenska press- och litteraturhistoria Inserted in each copy of volume 1, between pages 36 and 37, is an original number of the journal Extra Posten. The inserted newspaper leaf was never part of the book. 500 copies
70 Gutenberg and the Catholicon of 1460 : a bibliographical essay / by Margaret Bingham Stillwell, together with an original leaf of the Catholicon. The prospectus mentions a “library edition” with one leaf bound in buckram, and a “collector’s edition” with two leaves bound in full leather No limitation
70.5 Der Buchholzschnitt im 16. Jarhundert in detuschen, schweizer, nederlandischen, franzosischen, spanischen und italienischen Drucken des 16. Jarhunderts mit einer Einleitung von Max Geisberg   50 copies
71 Woodcuts from books of the 16th century from German, Swiss, Dutch, French, Spanish and Italian presses; with an introduction by Max Geisberg. 50pp and 100 original leaves, each matted with a small descriptive label, in a linen-covered box 50 copies
72 A Leaf from the 1611 King James Bible : with “The noblest monument of English prose” by John Livingston Lowes & “The printing of the King James Bible” by Louis I. Newman. “Two hundred and sixty-five regular copies, each with a leaf containing one or more chapter-head initial letters, printed for the Book Club of California…Also thirty-five special copies containing a leaf opening a book of the Bible, a chapter-head decoration & one or more ornamental initial letters” 300 copies
73 Original leaves from famoub Bibles, nine centuries, 1121-1935 AD Otto F. Ege, compiler and editor 60 Bible leaves each mounted on a mat with a descriptive label, boxed. 100 copies
74 A brief history of Japanese color prints and their designers. Delivered before the members of the Book Club of San Francisco, Monday evening April 4, 1938, by Edwin Grabhorn “With three original prints, two of which are illustrations: 1, woodcut by Nishikawa Sukenobu, 1674-1754; 2, color print by Kitao Masanobu (fifty humorous poems, 1786)” 50 copies
75 An original leaf from the first edition of Alexander Barclay’s English translation of Sebastian Brant’s “Ship of fools,” printed by Richard Pynson in 1509 : with an essay / by James D. Hart. “145 contain an original leaf showing the black letter and Roman type, and 115 contain an original leaf with a woodcut” 260 copies
76 An original leaf from the Polycronicon printed by William Caxton at Westminster in the year 1482. The life and works of William Caxton with an historical reminder of fifteenth century England by Benjamin P. Kurtz together with a Note on the Polycronicon by Oscar Lewis & an Appreciation of William Caxton by Edwin Grabhorn.   297 copies
77 A leaf from a fifteenth century Flemish book of hours / with an introductory essay by H.C. Schulz.   297 copies
78 A leaf from Queen Elizabeth’s prayer book, 1578. Some words about a leaf, by Paul Jordan Smith   125 copies
79 William Caxton and the first English press / by George Parker Winship ; a bio-bibliographical essay on the life of the governor of the English nation in Burgundy, the editor of the first printed work on English history, the first publisher of the Canterbury tales, and the first English essayist ; together with an original leaf of the Polycronicon.    
80 A leaf printed at Mainz by Peter Schoeffer, 1467. Clemens V, Constitutiones cum apparatu Joannis Andrae. 4p wrapper, with the original leaf in a portfolio  
81 The spider and the flie, with an original leaf from the edition of 1556   55 copies
82 An original issue of “The Spectator” together with the story of the famous English periodical and of its founders, Joseph Addison & Richard Steele, by Eric Partridge. The inserted news sheet was never a part of a book 455 copies
83 The Gothic script of the middle ages, by H.C. Schulz. Together with an original leaf from a Gothic manuscript Colectar.   71 copies
84 Cato’s Moral distichs / together with a foreword by Carl Van Doren. Eight of the original leaves are half-titles containing Franklin’s imprint. The facsimile reproduces a copy in the Huntington Library, one of eight known 250 copies
85 Original leaves illustrating the evolution of “black letter” [and roman] types 19 mounted leaves in two portfolios  
86 Bibliography of the Grabhorn Press, 1915-1940, by Elinor Raas Heller and David Magee. With eight original leaves from books printed between 1928 and 1931   210 copies
87 [Entry deleted]    
88 The Grab(horn) bag original pages found by excavators at 642 Commercial Street, San Francisco 4p wrapper containing 15 leaves, in a portfolio 200 copies
89 A leaf from the Kelmscott Chaucer, together with a monograph by Carl Purington Rollins 8pp in a portfolio 150 copies
90 A monograph on the Italian choir book by H. C. Schulz, with an original illuminated initial from an Italian gradual of the 16th century   75 copies, of which 27 contained extra ornamental leaves
91 Alas all’s vanity, or a leaf from the first American edition of Several Poems by Anne Bradstreet printed at Boston, anno 1678. With an essay by George Frisbie Whicher   105 copies
92 American bibliography, 1639-1729 / by Charles Evans ; illustrated with fifty-nine original leaves from early American books, and an historical notice of the author and his work by Lawrence C. Wroth. 59 inserted original leaves, beginning with one from the Eliot Indian Bible and ending with one from Robert Barclay’s “Apology”, tipped to throw-out guards, which carry letterpress descriptions printed in red ink 40 copies
93 A collection of 26 leaves from Korean books of the 15th and 16th centuries printed from movable type 16 leaves mounted in an album No limitation
94 Peleliu landing 34pp and one plate. Without an essay or description in the inserted leaf 500 copies
94.5 Old paper specimens of three centuries Foreward and 35 paper samples 100 copies
95 The first book printed in Constantinople : an original leaf of Jacob ben Asher’s ʻArbāʻāh Ṭūrīmʼ, Constantinople 1493 : with an introduction / by Alexander Marx. 10, 7pp and one facsimile leaf No limitation
96 A fifteenth century surgeon : Hieronymus Brunschwig and his work / by Henry E. Sigerist. 48pp 112 copies
96.5 An original vellum medieval manuscript leaf, circa 1440 AD, sent with holiday greetings from Fanny and Philip Duschnes, December 1948 1 sheet No limitation
97 Original leaves from famous books, eight centuries, 1240-1923 AD. Annotated by Otto F. Ege 25 leaves mounted on mats with descriptive labels, boxed A regular edition of 110 copies. A deluxe edition was also issued with 40 leaves
98 Original leaves from famous books, nine centuries, 1122-1923 AD. Annotated by Otto F. Ege 40 leaves mounted on mats with descriptive labels, boxed 50 copies
99 The Aitkin Bible, an original leaf with an introduction by Edgar J. Godspeed   400 copies
100 A short account of the life and work of Wynkyn de Worde, with a leaf from the Golden legend, printed by him at the Sign of the Sun in Fleet Street, London, the year 1527. 14pp 375 copies
101 The Estiennes : a biographical essay / by Mark Pattison ; illustrated with original leaves from books printed by the three greatest members of that distinguished family. The leaves vary. The first leaf, printed by Henri Estienne I, is from either Richard of St. Victor; Henricus Stephanus; or Galen. The second leaf, printed by Robert Estienne, is from either Eusebius of Caesarea; or idem. The third leaf, printed by Henri Estienne II, is from Cassius Dio Cocceianus. 390 copies
102 Specimens of the work by the Grabhorn Press, Edwin and Robert Grabhorn, San Francisco Three mounted specimen sheets 25 copies
103 The Nuremberg chronicle : a pictorial world history from the creation to 1493 / a monograph by Ellen Shaffer ; with a leaf from the pirated Augsburg Latin edition of 1497. The leaf is bound in before the half-title 300 copies
104 Codices impressi, an incanabulum leaf. A page from Froben’s “Poor Man’s” Bible of 1945 with a brief note on the printing art in the XVth century 4pp in a wrapper  
105 The handmade papers of Japan [by] Thomas Keith Tindale [and] Harriet Ramsey Tindale. Foreward by Dard Hunter. Four bound monographs in a portfolio No limitation
106 [Entry deleted]   62 copies
107 Gastronomisk spegel; historisk översikt jämte förteckning över svenska kokoch hushållsböcker fram till 1850. With a leaf inserted from Bartholomaeus Platina’s “De honesta volupate et valetudine”  
108 John Baskerville the gracious infidel by Henry Evans with an original leaf from the poems and plays of William Congreve printed by John Baskerville in 1762   150 copies
109 Bible latina e translatione et cum prefationibus S. Hieronymi. Mainz, Johann Gutenberg, c. 1455 A leaf of the first issue of the first edition of the Bible and the first bok printed with movable metal types One leaf of essay text accompanying an original leaf About 30 copies, of which eight contained two or more leaves
110 Album de Redouté : with 25 facsimile colour plates from the edition of 1824 and a new Redouté bibliography / Sacheverell Sitwell and Roger Madol. The first 25 copies contain an original Redoute plate from “Les Liliacees” 250 numbered, fine-paper copies
111 Johann Amerbach / by Donald Jackson. The leaf is from “Lectura super quinque libris decretalium cum repertorio Alphonsi de Montalbo” by Nicolaus (de Tudeschis) Panormitanus 450 copies
112 Krauterbucher aus funf Jarhunderten. 50 Originalblatter aud deutschen, fransoschen, niederlandischen, englischen, italienschen und schweitzer Krauterbuchern 51 original leaves, each mounted with a printed label, in a portfolio 200 copies
113 The making of the King James Bible; a monograph with comparisons from the Bishops Bible and the manuscript annotations of 1602, with an original leaf from the great “She” Bible of 1611.   290 copies
114 Bibliography of the Grabhorn Press. Among the inserts are ten listed as “original,” at pages 12, 32, 46, 48, 60, 66, 80, 86, 92, and 98 225 copies
115 Jesuit mission presses in the Pacific Northwest : a history and bibliography of imprints, 1876-1899 / by Wilfred P. Schoenberg. 747 copies contain one original imprint and 57 contain six 248 copies
116 The garden of health; an account of two herbals, the Gart der Gesundheit and the Hortus sanitatis. With an original leaf from the “Hortus sanitatis” printed by Johann Pruss in Strasbourg in 1499 300 copies
117 The felicities of book collecting With an original leaf from Der Koran, Biefeld, 1865…A moderate number of copies “A moderate number of copies”
118 An original leaf from Francisco Palou’s Life of the Venerable Father Junipero Serra, 1787   177 copies
119 Herbals of five centuries : 50 original leaves from German, French, Dutch, English, Italian, and Swiss herbals : with an introduction and bibliography / by Claus Nissen. 50 leaves mounted on mats 100 copies
120 French illuminated manuscripts, by H.C. Schulz. With an original leaf from a miniature Book of Hours   200 copies
121 Greetings from Charlotte & Norman Strouse, Christmas, 1953. With a page from a 14th or 15th century antiphonal. 12pp in wrappers, enclosed in a folder 200 copies
122 Poetica typographia Johnsoniana, with an original leaf from John Johnson’s Typographia, 1824. Preface by D.R.F. (Donald R. Fleming)   75 copies
123 Ashendene Press, original unbound sheets, 1923-1935. Descriptive notes by Glen Dawson. One leaf, with six original leaves in a portfolio 17 sets
124 Colonel Heros von Borcke’s journal, 26 April - * Orctober 1862, a German narrative of the first four parts of Memoirs of the Confederate War for Independence “Manuscript leaf from the original journal is bound between p.226 and p.227” 180 copies
125 Champagne and shoes; an essay on John T. Little’s Coloma Emporium with an original double leaf from its journal: 1850-1851   76 copies
126 Bartolomeus Zanni, printer at Venice 1486-1518 and at Portese 1489- 90 : a monograph compiled from various sources / by Duncan H. Olmsted ; together with a leaf from Jacobus de Voragine’s Legendario de sancti, printed by Zanni at Venice, 1503.   135 numbered copies
127 Colard Mansion, an original leaf from the Ovid Moralise Bruges 1484. With an introduction by Wytze & Lotte Hellinga 15pp in a portfolio. The leaf is in a sunken mat 40 copies
128 The book of Geoffrey Chaucer; an account of the publication of Geoffrey Chaucer’s works from the fifteenth century to modern times. “With an original leaf from one of the great sixteenth century black letter folios, either from the undated edition printed about 1551, or from the edition of 1561” 450 copies
129 Fray Maturino Gilberti & his books “149 copies were printed…49 include a leaf from Fray Maturino Gilberti’s Thesoro spiritual de poberes en lengua de Michuacan [1575]” 149 copies
130 The Fables of Jean de La Fontaine, monograph by Frances J. Brewer. With a leaf from the memorial edition of the Fables choisies, illustrated by Jean-Baptiste Odury and printed in Paris…harles-Antoine Jomert, 1755-59. 7pp enclosed in a wrapper, slipcased 125 copies
131 Pages from the past. Original leaves from rare books and manuscripts. Portfolio set I: History of the written word 145 leaves and other material mounted with descriptive captions four portfolios
132 Pages from the past. Portfolio set I. History of the written word 160 leaves and other material mounted with descriptive captions four portfolios
133 Pages from the past. Original leaves from rare books and manuscripts. Portfolio set II, collection no. 15. Western literature 37 leaves with descriptive captions, in a portfolio 25 copies
134 Pages from the past. Original leaves from rare books and manuscripts. Portfiolo set IV, collection no. 17. Woodcuts and engravings 21 leaves with descriptive captions, in a portfolio 25 copies
135 Pages from the past. Original leaves from rare books and manuscripts. Portfolio set V, collection no. 15. Famous presses 27 leaves with descriptive captions, in a portfolio 30 copies
136 Ace of pentacles : a new book of poems by John Wieners. 72pp and one folded leaf of the typescript 75 copies
137 A sixteenth century Mexican broadside from the collection of Emilio Valton described, with a checklist, by Edwin H. Carpenter 14pp and two leaves 140 copies, of which 120 are accompanied by a single leaf, and 20 by two leaves
138 The annotated Eberstadt catalogs of Americana, numbers 103 to 138; 1935-1956. Introd. By Archibald Hanna, Jr. Index by Karl Brown. A deluxe edition of 90 copies with an original leaf from the first edition of the first history of California, Venegas; “Noticia de la California” 90 copies
139 Loving brand book “119 copies of this special manuscript edition have been prepared, each containing one leaf of the original manuscript written in the hand of J.C. Loving in 1884” 119 copies
140 Two Chaucer leaves “With two leaves, one from each of two sixteenth-century blackletter folios” 88 copies
141 Kokon kamisuki kamiya zue = Collection of pictures of old and new paper-making for hand-made paper and old paper-shop / Seki Yoshikuni.   200 copies
142 Aldus Manutius, first modern printer. Being a keepsake done for the guests of American Book-Stratford Press, Inc. on the occasion of the opening of their West Coast Division office at Palo Alto, California, in November, 1966. With a leaf from the Aldine classic L. Coelii, published in 1535. Text by Richard Ellis 8pp in a wrapper 120 copies
143 A typographical divertisement for the joint meeting of the Zamorano Club and the Roxburghe Club of San Francisco, Los Angeles, 1966. 13pp in a wrapper 116 copies
144 The great polyglot Bibles : including a leaf from the Complutensian of Acalá, 1514-17 … / by Basil Hall. 60pp in a folder, boxed. 400 copies
145 Specimen pages of Korean movable types collected & described by Melvin P. McGovern, Director of Education, United States Army Headquarters, I Corps (Group), Uijongbu, Korea Primary Edition 22 original leaves fron Korean books to show the development of Korean movable type from 1420 to 1896 300 copies
146 Nicolas Jensen, by Rollo G. Silver. Together with a leaf from the Jenson Pliny   125 copies
146.5 Anaglyptography. Medallion engraving for book illustration. Reprinted, with an original anaglyptograph, from the Art Exemplar The leaf is taken from Archille Collas’s “Tresor de numismatque et de glyptique” 200 copies
147 Pages from the past. Original leaves from rare books and manuscripts. Portfolio set II. Writing over the ages 99 leaves in three portfolios Ten copies
148 Pages from the past. Original leaves from rare books and manuscripts. Portfolio set VIII, collection no. 14. History 38 leaves in a portfolio 20 copies
149 J. Johnson, typ., oddments from his Typographia, or the Printers Instructor, 1824, with an original leaf therefrom, by Emerson G. Wulling One of 60 keepsakes enclosed in a slipcase entitled “A memorial keepsake, Paul A. Bennett, 1897-1966, The Typophiles” 396 copies
150 The book called Holinshed’s Chronicles : an account of its inception, purpose, contributors, contents, publication, revision, and influence on William Shakespeare … / With a leaf from the 15878 edition7 edition. 83pp 500 copies
151 A leaf from the first issue of the King James Bible, 1611 A.D. 4p folder, with one inserted leaf in an envelope  
152 The birch bark poems of Charles F. Lummis by Dudley Gordon. With an original printed leaf from the Birch Bark Poems published in the period 1878-1883 3pp 300 copies
153 In memoriam - Edwin Grabhorn 1889 - 1968. With eight original leaves mounted on pp10-17 150 copies
154 C-S the master craftsman. An account of the work of T.J. Cobden-Sanderson, by Norman H. Strouse. Cobden-Sanderson’s partnership with Emery Walker, by John Dreyfus. Each copy has two leaves of Doves Press printing as follows: 12 copies with a Bible leaf on vellum and one quarto Doves leaf on vellum; 75 with a Bible leaf on paper and one quarto Doves leaf on vellum; and 242 with a Bible leaf on paper and one quarto Doves leaf on paper. 329 copies
155 The history of printing in America : with a biography of printers & an account of newspapers / by Isaiah Thomas ; edited by Marcus A. McCorison from the second edition. Reprint of the second edition of 1874, with an original leaf from the 1810 edition 1,950 copies
156 A leaf from the first English translation of Ambroise Pare, 1634. 8pp in paper wrappers 85 copies
157 /1971 Two essays on the Decretum of Gratian / by Hellmut Lehmann-Haupt and Charles McCurry ; together with an original leaf printed on vellum by Peter Schoeffer at Mainz in 1472. Two leaves 1. Decretum Gratiani, Mainz: Peter Schoeffer, 1472, on vellum. 2. Decretum Gratiani, Venice, Johannes de Colonia and Johannes Manthen, 1479, on paper. 27 of 193
158 Dr Johnson and Noah Webster; two men & their dictionaries. Illustrated with a matched pair of original leaves from A dictionary of the English language by Samuel Johnson (1755) and An American dictionary of the English language by Noah Webster (1828)   500 copies
159 A noble heritage: Two conjugate leaves from the first edition of the Bishops’ Bible printed by Richard Jugge, London, 1568 21pp, slipcased 220 copies
160 The new encyclopedia brittanica one leaf, with additional leaves 31 vols
161 A leaf from the first edition of the first complete bible in English, the Conerdale Bible, 1535, with an historical introduction by Allen P. wikgren and a census of cpies recorded in the British Isles and North America   425 copies
162 The Willow Dale Press 1879 : with notes on the history of the amateur press in California / by Carey S. Bliss. “10 copies have 4 original issues of the Willow Dale Press inserted in a special envelope inside the back cover; 52 copies have 3 original issues and 70 copies have 1 issue” 132 copies
163 The Brescia Danta with a leaf from the illustrated edition of 1487 printed by Bonius de Boninis and two essays: Dante Aligheri, universal poet, by Philip J. Spartano and Boninus de Boninis in the history of printint, by Chad J. Flake “Copies 1 through 50 contain a leaf with an original woodcut illustration…” 250 copies
164 A Grabhorn Japanese Print, with explanatory text by Robert Bell and a japanese print from one of the first three Japanese print books printed by the Grabhorn Press for the Book Club of Claifornia 4p. Folder 125 copies
165 Specimens of parchment : with notes / by Ronald Reed 11 sheets and ten mounted samples, in a portfolio 200 copies
166 A Leaf from the 1583 Rembert Dodoens herbal printed by Christopher Plantin; with a short essay by Carey S. Bliss. With an original leaf from the Stirpium Historiae, Antwerp, 1583 385 copies
167 Testimony : the United States, 1885-1915 : recitative / Charles Reznikoff. each copy contains an original page of corrected manuscript by Charles Reznikoff 100 copies
167.5 A testament of faith. A leaf from a copy of the frist American bible translated into the language of the Algonquin Indians by John Eliot and printed at Cambridge in New England in the year 1663. With a commentary on its origina by John E. Alden   87 copies
168 Tennesseana: a value guide to scarce and rare books relating to Tennessee and Tennesseans. Compiled by Ronald R. Allen 100 leaves and ten mounted leaves No limitation
168.5 An original leaf from the Newbery Bible 2pp 125 copies
169 The most remarkable Texas book, an essay on W. W. Heartsill’s fourteen hundred and 91 Days in the Confederate Army with a leaf from the original printing 8pp 1,164 copies
170 A leaf from the letters of St. Jerome, first printed by Sixtus Reissinger, Rome, c. 1466-1467. With a historical essay by Jeremy DuQuesnay Adams and a bibliographical essay by John L. Sharpe III. Edited by Bennett Gilbert Issued with an original leaf in a pocket 300 copies
171 The Allen Press bibliography mcmlxxxi : produced by hand with art work, sample pages from previous editions. Six inserted bifolia with manuscript identifications are from books printed at the press. 140 copies
172 Julius Firmicus Maternus and the Aldine edition of the Scriptores astronomici veteres / by Carey S. Bliss ; with an original leaf printed by Aldus Manutius at Venice in 1499. Copies numbered 1-20 have leaves with woodcut diagrams, and those numbered 21-164 are not illustrated 164 copies
173 Graphic methods in book illustration 4 leaves in a wrapper, and 18 folders in a box. 20 original leaves. 120 copies
174 A leaf from John Johnson’s Typographia / with an introd. by Carey S. Bliss. 6pp 200 copies printed for members of the Zamorano and Roxburghe Clubs on the occasion of their joint meeting in Los Angeles in October, 1982
175 The Whittington Press : a bibliography, 1971-1981 / compiled by David Butcher ; with an introduction and notes by John Randle. …120 copies each contain a set of tipped-in specimen pages, most of which are taken from the original printing… 320 copies
176 The far side of the dollar [by] Ross MacDonald. one leaf of plates…without an essay or description on the leaf No limitation
176.5 The Kelmscott Press in Japan. An illustrated bibliography “100 copies (special edition) bound in vellum with original leaf insertion of the Kelmscott Press by Nottinghal Court Press in London…” 1,500 copies
177 A leaf from the third edition, 1751, of An Account of the Sore Throat Attended with Ulcers. With bibliographical notes by Edmund E. Simpson, M.D. The leaf is laid at the end of the text 40 copies
178 The highest form of flattery…By Adrian Wilson and Joyce Lancaster Wilson. “With a leaf from the 1497 edition of the pirated Nuremberg Chronicle” 90 copies
179 Thomas Bewick & the Fables of Aesop / biographical sketch by John W. Borden ; history of the fables by Janet S. Krueger ; with an original leaf from the first edition (1818) of The fables of Aesop and a new impression from one of Bewick’s original wood engravings.Aesop and a new impression from one of Bewick’s original wood engravings.   518 copies
180 Keepsake issued on the occasion of the joint meeting, the Philobiblon Club of Philadelphia and the Rowfant Club of Cleveland, 27th October 1983. With a leaf of the second Saur Bible, Germantown, Penn., 1763 165 copies
181 Buniana / by David W. Forbes. With an original leaf from a copy of the 1842 Hawaiian edition of John Bunyan’s “Travels of a Stranger” 300 copies
182 The Allen Press bibliography. A facsimile with original leaves and additions to date, including a checklist of ephemera 9pp and ten inserted leaves 750 copies
183 Peter Amelung’s Johann Zainer the Elder & Younger translated from the German by Ruth Schwab-Rosenthal. Introduction by Bernard M. Rosenthal. With an original leaf from Hugo Ripelin’s Compendium Theologiae Veritatis (c. 1478-81)   159 copies
184 Aldus Manutius and the development of Greek script & type in the fifteenth century / by Nicolas Barker.   200 copies
185 A leaf from the published work of Nicolas Jensen, printer, 1472 8pp 75 copies
186 A leaf from the Mercator-Hondius World Atlas, edition of 1619, with an essay by Norman J.W. Thrower   115 copies, of which 89 are in vellum and 26 are in full vellum, slipcased
187 Treasure Island, a gala dinner and auction sponsored by the University of Delaware Library Associated With a leaf from Giorgio Vasari’s “Vite de’ piv eccelenti pittori, scvltori, e archittetori” 135 copies
188 James T. Fields, literary publisher. By John William Pye. This copy contains an original leaf from one of the books published by Fields, tipped in at the end, but without an essay or other description 250 copies
189 Printing for theater. Wilson, Adrian.  One portfolio containing 12 biofolia…comprise playbills, programs, and pages from Wilson’s publication “Printing for Theater” (San Francisco, 1957) 67 copies
190 Thirty years of Bird & Bull, a bibliography, 1958-1988 compiled bu Howell J. Heaney with a foreword & commentary by Henry Morris 3pp in a portfolio, in a clamshell box….The portfolio contains text pages and ephemera, including the “Bird & Bull chronological type-specimen list,” “Make-work, no. 1,” illustrations, samples, and prospectuses 300 copies
190.5 Shakespeare on paper-mills the first 100 copies are printed on paper made during Shakespeare’s lifetime (from a damaged copy of Digestum Novum: 1576) 200 copies
191 A leaf from the opera omnia of Angelus Politianus printed in Venice in 1498 by Aldus Manutius 6pp 60 copies
192 The making of The book of common prayer of 1928 / by Martin Hutner ; accompanied by an original leaf printed on vellum at the Merrymount Press. 75pp, slipcased 285 copies
193 A leaf from Francisco Palou’s Noticias de la Nueva California Mexico, 1857 12pp 150 copies designed, hand-set and printed at the Press of the Golden Key by Donald and Katheryn Fleming for the joint meeting of the Roxburghe and Zamorano Clubs, October 27-28, 1990
194 The Kelmscott Press Golden legend : a documentary history of its production together with a leaf from the Kelmscott edition / edited with an introduction by William S. Peterson ; wood engraved portrait by John DePol. 32pp and 3pp of plates 170 copies
195 A leaf from the Schachtafelender Gesuntheyt of 1533 Contains an original leaf from Michael Herr’s German translation from the Latin version of Ibn Butlan’s “Taqwin al-sihhah,” printed in Strasbourg by Johann Schott in 1533. 72 copies
196 The Rhemes New Testament : being a full and particular account of the origins, printing, and subsequent influences of the first Roman Catholic New Testament in English, with the divers controversies occasioned by its publication diligently expounded for the edification of the reader / by Decherd Turner ; accompanied by a leaf from the original edition, and other profitable illustrations. the leaf is from an imperfect copy of the first edition of 1582 395 copies
196.5 An original leaf from the Kleine Print Bybel, c. 1750. With an essay. 20pp  
197 Sweynheym & Pannartz and the origins of printing in Italy : German technology and Italian humanism in Renaissance Rome / by Edwin Hall. the original leaf is from a copy of the first volume of Sweyneym and Pannartz’s “editio princeps” of Nicholas of Lyra’s “Postilla super totam bibliam,” Rome, 1471. 275 copies
198 The art of medal engraving : a curious chapter in the development of 19th century printing process / by Elizabeth M. Harris. 12pp and seven leaves of plates. Includes an original, complete folio leaf from Achille Collas’s “Tresor de numismatique et de glyptique…” 230 copies
199 The Stanbrook Abbey Press, 1956-1990 / David Butcher ; with an introduction by John Dreyfus and a memoir of Dame Hildelith Cumming by the Abbess of Stanbrook. The leather and vellum copies are accompanied by a separate selection of leaves and complete publications printed at the Stanbrook Abbey Press 350 copies
200 Three lions and the cross of Lorraine: Bartholomaeus Anglicus, John of trevisa, John tate, Wynkyn de Worde, and De Proprietatibus Rerum. A leaf book with essays by Howell Heaney, Dr. Lotte Hellinga and Dr. Richard Hills The original leaf, from Wynkyn de Worde’s 1495/96 edition of De Proprietatibus Rerum, is in a plastic sleeve. 130 copies
201 The American Bible. Original leaves from rare and historic Bibles printed in the colonies and the United States of America during the seventeenth, eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. Four portfolios containing 38 original leaves from American Bibles (1663-1878), boxed 100 copies
201.5 The Merrymount Press : a centenary keepsake / by Daniel Berkeley Bianchi. “includes some tipped-in examples of actual printing done by the press” 200 copies
202 The 1462 Fust & Schoeffer Bible. An essay by Eberhard Koenig. Introduction by Christopher de Hamel. With an original leaf from the 1462 Bible 15 copies, lettered G-U, contain a Bible leaf with a decorated initial 166 copies
203 An essay by Gary F. Kurutz on A bibliography of California and the Pacific West, 1510-1906 by Robert E. Cowan : with an original leaf from the Club’s 1914 first edition.   390 copies
204 Audubon’s great national work : the royal octavo edition of The birds of America / by Ron Tyler. with original matching leaves from the first and second octavo editions of The Birds of America 225 copies
205 American sporting books series 300 copies are numbered and include tipped-in pages from important sporting books 830 copies
206 The thirteenth-century Bible, an essay, with an original leaf from a Latin manuscript Bible   1,000 copies
207 Jesuit mission presses in the Pacific Northwest : a history and bibliography of imprints, 1876-1899, plus other early Catholic presses and a critical study of the Lapwai Press, 1839-1846 / by Wilfred P. Schoenberg. A bifolium is inserted in a pocket No limitation
208 A leaf from the Kelmscott Chaucer with an essay on its commercial history An edition of 100 portfolios each containing the title essay and a leaf from The Works of Geoffrey Chaucer 100 copies
209 A leaf from the Biblia Latina with commentary by Nicolai de Lyra printed in Venice in 1489 by Bonetus Locatellus   60 copies
210 Simon de Colines : an annotated catalogue of 230 examples of his press, 1520-1546 / Fred Schreiber ; with an introduction by Jeanne Veyrin-Forrer. 100 copies have a leaf from Aristotle’s Historia Animalium, Paris, 1524. 750 copies
211 The Whittington Press : a bibliography 1982-93 / compiled by David Butcher ; with an introduction and notes by John Randle. 136 copies include tipped-in leaves and specimen pages “mostly from the original printing”; 28 of those have an additional portfolio of material 380 copies
212 An original leaf from the Bible of the revolution, and an essay concerning it, With an original leaf from the Aitken 1782 Old Testament at p. 7 No limitation
212.5 The Fell imperial quarto Book of Common Prayer. An account of its production 150 copies in half buckram and paper with four pages from the 1913 edition of the prayer book, and 50 in full Oasis leather with eight pages of the prayer book 200 copies
213 The Gehenna florilegium / poems by Anthony Hecht ; woodcuts by Leonard Baskin. Ten copies contain a manuscript leaf, without an essay or description of the leaf 50 copies
214 Howls & whispers / poems by Ted Hughes ; etchings by Leonard Baskin. Ten copies contain a manuscript leaf, without an essay or description of the leaf 110 copies
215 Dard Hunter & son / Dard Hunter, II, Dard Hunter, III ; with a foreword and notes by Henry Morris. Seven original folio or quarto book leaves from Mountain House books, and four original samples of papers made by all three generations of Hunters 225 copies
216 Advertisement by James H. Todd, D.D. found in the 17th and concluding volume of The Whole Works of the Most Rev. James Ushner D.D. Included is a sample gathering from James Ussher, The Whole Works, laid inside the rear cover flap 22 copies
217 Typographia Johnsoniana, a leaf book With a leaf fron the 1824 first edition of Johnson’s Typographica or The Printer’s Instructor 75 copies
217.5 A troubled paradise. William Blake’s Virgil wood engravings. With an afterword on collecting William Blake by John Windle 13 copies include a leaf from the third edition of Robert John Thornton’s “Pastorals of Virgil” 513 copies
218 A century for the century, fine printed books from 1900-1999 Fifty copies contain original leaves from some of the books and are signed by the authors 1,000 copies
219 Elbert Hubbard. William Morris’s greatest imitator, by Jack Walsdorf Copies 1-34 include a leaf from the Kelmscott “Gothic Architecture” and the Roycroft “Rip Van Winkle” 150 copies
220 The first Mormon book, a celebration f the 1830 Book of Mormon with an original leaf   290 copies
221 The Old Stile Press– in the twentieth century : a bibliography, 1979-1999 / Dorothy A. Harrop … [et al.]. 250 copies include a portfolio of specimen pages from most of the press’s books 1,000 copies
222 The Federalist : a collection of essays, written in favour of the new Constitution, as agreed upon by the Federal convention, September 17, 1787 … each copy has an original leaf from the 1788 first edition 193 copies
223 Reid’s leaves, a bibliography of the books from the private press of Robert R. Reid, published in Vancouver from 1949 to 1962 with commentaries by him and sample sheets from three of his books   40 copies
224 Illustrium imagines, incorporating an English translation of “Nota” by Roberto Weiss. Accompanied by a leaf from the first illustrated numismatic book 17 additional copies with two additional leaves 151 copies
225 Fourty-four years of Bird & Bull, a bibliography, 1958-2002 99pp and one folder of samples 150 copies
226 The Delaware Bibliophiles, 1977-2002, a history & anthology The original leaf is from a collection of the works of Thomas Chalkey, published in Philadelphia in 1749 by Benjamin Franklin & David Hall 250 copies
226.5 The well-made book. Essays & Lectures 40 copies feature 11 ephemeral pieces 40 special copies
227 Ink on the elbow : conversations between David Esslemont & Gaylord Schanilec / introductions by J. Andrew Armacost & David Chambers. “tipped in throughout are original leaves from books produced by each press” 200 copies
228 Stanley Morison & “John Fell” : the writing and printing of Stanley Morison’s book “John Fell, the University Press and the ‘Fell’ types” / Martyn Ould. Tipped into copies of all issues are four original leaves from Richard Challoner “Meditations for every day in the year” 1916, Bonamy Dibree “Restoration tragedy 1660-1720”, “Seed of Isreal: Tales from the English Bible” 1929, and John Johnson and Strickland Gibson “Print & privilege at Oxford” 1946 240 copies
229 A checklist of books published by William Pickering, 1820-1853 / compiled by Jerry Kelly ; with essays by Joseph Blumenthal and Arthur Warren. Four tipped-in original or facsimile leaves (about 127 copies have original leaves) 198 copies
230 A history of printing in Andover, Massachusetts, 1798-1931, by Scott H. Paradise. The leaf is mounted on a throw-out tissue guard between pages 12 and 13 No limitation, but 50 copies are mentioned in the preface

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